Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On sidney sheldon

Then i fell in love with the books of Sidney Sheldon. He was introduced to me by me schoolmate when i was in college. before sheldon i was completing the novels of agatha christie and arthur conan doyle. and sarah paretsky. and v.c. andrews series too. see i was a sucker for novel books. what makes sheldon the greatest novelist for me is the way he creates his plot. when you read the story its like you are watching a good movie. you are moved. aroused. enchanted. when the victim revenges you feel how the protagonist feels. when she hides you feel like hiding too. that is how he writes. and i can honestly say i cannot put the book down until i finished the whole novel. am i crazy? yeah. i am. but i would rather read good novel books than read something else that teach you how to skillfully kill another human being without being caught or how to stash away millions of dollars to some far away island banks without being detected. you know. how to cheat with your girlfriends, wives, etc. and i am veering away from the topic (again, sigh).

if tomorrow comes is the best i have read so far. well i just downloaded ebook and read "the homecoming" by dan walsh. feel good book. makes you smile. and cry. its like watching a nicholas sparks novel turned into movie. that's all.

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